What’s Happening
What’s New?
We are now accepting students for registration for the September 2021 intake. CCFS’s program is delivered through on on-line format and this has allowed us to continue to deliver our courses and content with very little disruption, even with the COVID-19 Pandemic and associated restrictions. CCFS typically does incorporate in-class orientation sessions in September to start the academic year. Although CCFS will be cancelling our in-class sessions due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and associated restrictions, we will transition to an on-line format for our orientation sessions in September. Contact info@ccfs.ca or 1-888-797-9941 for details.
CCFS is excited to announce scholarship recipients
New Continuing Education course now available. The newest course to be released is “Jaundice and Edema – An Embalmer’s Guide”.
Check out our “Continuing Education” section for more information.
Do you want to be notified of new continuing education courses?
If you wish to be notified of the release and availability of new continuing education courses, simply send us a quick email at info@ccfs.ca. We can add you to our “mailing list” and you can be the first to be notified.
Three CCFS students recipients of Funeral Service Foundation Scholarship
CCFS is excited to announce that three students were selected as the recipients of the “Foundation 45” Scholarship in Fall 2019. This scholarship is open to Canadian students studying in an accredited Mortuary Studies Program and is awarded by the Funeral Service Foundation (a subsidiary of the US-based National Funeral Directors Association).
Last year’s recipient (Fall 2018) was a level I student with CCFS, Christa Ovenell. Christa is currently a level II student in BC working and training with Richmond Funeral Home Cremation a& Reception Centre in Richmond, BC.
This year’s recipients include:

Catherine Kubash, a level I foundation student from Edmonton, AB.

Annika Anderson, a level II apprentice working and training with Bakerview Community Crematorium & Celebration Centre Ltd. in Mission, BC.

CCFS is very proud of Catherine, Annika, and Tylore’s accomplishments. It is a honour and a great distinction to be recognized for this scholarship. We congratulate each one of them.
CCFS class rings, clothing and bags are available. CCFS has been able to arrange for class rings, a few items of clothing and several types of bags. See the “On-line store” for details.
Our academic school year is well under way. We have a great group of students from six different provinces that have been working hard since September. Not only are they busy working on their weekly lesons and assignments but will be preparing for seminars and exams in spring. We wish them all luck and success not only with the school program but also with their workplace apprenticeship training.
Alberta Graduation
(Saturday, April 25, 2020
Deerfoot Inn & Casino
Calgary, AB)
New Brunswick & Prince Edwared Island Graduation
(Friday, May 22, 2020
Moncton, NB)
Newfoundland & Labrador Graduation
(Friday, May 29, 2020
St. John’s, NL)
British Columbia Graduation
Saturday, September 18, 2020
Grand Villa Casino Hotel and Conference Centre
Burnaby, BC
Manitoba Graduation
Friday, September 25, 2020
Inn at the Forks
Winnipeg, MB
Saskatchewan Graduation
October 3, 2020
Memories Restaurant
Regina, SK
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